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Disclaimer: All of the pics in this image gallery are submitted. If one is yours and you didn't submit it, contact us and we'll take it right down.

If you are looking for hentai, look for the link marked 'Gallery Blue' in our links page, accessible from the home page. They pay us to send them *that* sort of traffic. -_- Also, as for the mp3s that we carried on this site for free download and perusal, because of all the leeching, we have decided that when it comes to these, we have stopped carrying them - sorry.

For those of you that can't spell, this site also contains free imags, iamges, imges, picturs, pcitures, picktures, picturess, and pistures. Yikes. -_-

These pictures are captured from television or the web, scanned from artbooks, magazines, or promotional flyers. The copyright of these images belongs to the original artists - if you would like to have them removed from this site and you are the original copyright holder, email us and we'll take care of it right away.

Finally, the design and trademarks of this Bubblegum Crisis 2040 pictures site are copyright Anime Cubed.

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