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EvilTaxi: This card really only has two purposes: to stop a Homonculus deck from using Persuasion and/or Shou's New Chimera and to stop Maes Hughes - Senior Investigator's ability. Stopping Policeman isn't really necessary because they're then down one ally. If they do this, make the most of your opportunity to kill him before he gets to level 2/3/4, depending on when Policeman is played. Your deck should be able to shrug off any other wits events thrown at you, otherwise you're at a huge disadvantage since at most you can only have 3 copies of Pressure. Playable only if at least two of the following apply: Your metagame includes Homonculus control, your deck takes 2-3 turns to get going, and/or your metagame includes a slow Military deck. |
McMasters: It stops Persuasion and mainphase-Sets, which is good enough for me. If Homunculus is played in your area, this is the cancel to pack. As a Military player, I think that Wits events are the most damaging to my win strategies (Run, Persuasion, all the Homunc set-in-the-mainphase junk, and so on), so I'd pack this over anything. Daring Gambit's a close second, though - no more Stone Walls.. |
Alf40k: If your playing pressure chances are you either didnt read my review on cage, or you feel like layin the pressure on they policemen just so you can get on your chair and scream "Cop-Block, BoooooooI"
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