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Our dedicated players and strategists use this page to talk about cards and why they should - or shouldn't - be in your deck. Scroll down and click on a card to see what people have to say!
Lust, Woman with a Dream
Trisha Elric, Supportive Mother
Diehard Few, Citizens of Liore
Foolish Pawns, Lust's Tools
Gluttony, Simpleton
Roy Mustang, Benefactor
Shou Tucker, Proctor
Rebel Sergeant, Eastern Liberation Front
Policeman, Citizen of Linter
Lyra's Pendant
Alchemist Showdown
Burning the Past
Challenge the Sun
Daring Gambit
Deeds, Not Words!
Rally the People
Sensei's Shadow
Test of Might
Alchemist Testing Grounds
Central Library, First Branch
Country Station
High Command
Youswell Inn
Blood & Water
Fletcher Tringham, Young Alchemist
Winry Rockbell, Shopaholic
Claire, Nurse
Out the Window
Train to Aquroya
Psiren, Folk Hero
Dueling Grounds
Empty Fountain
Parish Church
Psiren, Trickster
Artificial Human
Lust, Seeking Humanity
Pinako Rockbell, Wise Old Lady
Winry Rockbell, Compulsive Tinkerer
Inspector, Citizen of Aquroya
Militia, Citizens of Liore
Tank of Red Water
Change in Plans
Do Our Bidding
Plan B
Lead By Example
Idyllic Pastures
A Hero's Passing
Tim Marcoh, On a Mission
Majhal, Zombie Master
Tim Marcoh, Renegade Doctor
Alchemical Amateur, Desperate Soul
Freelancer, Alchemist Mercenary
Custom Work
Utility Automotive
Flesh Wound
Pillar of the People
Raw Firepower
The Brigadier General
Scar, Life on the Run
Alchemists' Gate
Izumi Curtis, Sensei
Alphonse Elric, Tireless Fighter
Dante, Aged Teacher
Rank and File, Nervous Recruits
Dorochet, Greed's Best Friend
Entourage, Rogues Gallery
Law, Bull Headed
Lizard Man, Scaly Spy
At the Gate
Banding Together
Shared Experience
The Teacher Arrives
Proper Training
Curtis Butcher Shop
Izumi Curtis, PO'ed
Spoils of War
A Job Well Done
Alphonse Elric, Martial Artist
Edward Elric's Arm Blade
The Elric Brothers, Edward and Alphonse
Edward Elric, Shrimp
Blood and Water
Artificial Human
A Hero's Passing
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