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Here we'll put up the best decks from all around - from Regionals to your local store! Be sure to read, though, because FMA-TCG relies on how you play your cards as much as which ones to use! (To submit a deck, post it in the FMA-TCG Decks forum, and then PM Alf40k. Note - we reserve the right to not post your deck. We're, well, picky - if you don't have a good writeup, we'll just pass it over.)
Deck Lists
'Do the Locomotion' - Maes location-control, 2006 East City Regionals Champion
'The New Hotness' - Psiren Mob, Tied three-way for 1st place, Hammergirl Anime Overall Rankings
'Gotta Cheat to Win' - Master Manipulator, Tied three-way for 1st place, Hammergirl Anime Overall Rankings
'The Envy' - Envy Mainphase Control, Tied three-way for 1st place, Hammergirl Anime Overall Rankings
'Family Values' - Elric Brothers Beatdown / Deck Tech deck
'The Other Maes' - Long-Game Military
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Fullmetal Alchemist TCG - The hottest anime card game out there!
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