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Anime Cubed Link Network
We here at Anime Cubed were bored of having to go to the same couple of sites to read about anime stuff, but were even sicker of having to wade through all the crap. So, we created this - the Anime Cubed Link Network. Here are the best anime sites out there, big and small. Stop just going to the same three or four supersites, and see everything good that the 'Net has to offer about anime! (If you think your site should join the Network, and be seen by over ten thousand people every day, scroll to the bottom to see how to apply)
General Anime Sites -
Blogs -
Shrines -
Galleries -
Wallpapers -
Music Sites -
News and Reviews -
Online Stores -
Anime Clubs
Comics -
Forums -
Fansubs -
Manga Translations / Scanslations -
Omake / Fun Stuffs -
Webrings -
Music Videos
Interested in being linked above? Get your site reviewed in 24 hours, with just two easy steps!
Step 1:Pick one of the link options below, and put it somewhere on the webpage you want reviewed, to show that you are part of the Network:
That's it! We'll check out your site, and include it in our directory! The best sites get a premium listing and their review, too! Thanks for your entry!
(Below are local resource pages, with specific images, for specific searchers. Enjoy!)