Ahem. Is this thing on? Okay..
"All material at The Cube is the property of their respective companies
and/or artists, and is reproduced here solely to increase their business.
As The Cube is an extensive archive, the creators of many images, wallpapers,
and skins have been overlooked. If material appears here that you wish credit
for, or do not wish posted, contact me, Al, at The Cube, and I'll make sure
you get the credit you deserve, or we take down the offending artwork.
The Cube takes no responsibility to links leading to sites not on The Cube,
such as those in CubeJump.
Our privacy policy is here.
Thank You. A list of companies and artists follows, all of whom have contributed
in one way or another to AnimeCubed. If you are not listed and should be, please contact us, and we'll put you right on.
Advertisers have their own stated privacy policies, which are available below
as well.