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Hi, folks! I'm David Hudson, and I want to someday be a full-fledged reporter like my big buddy Al! Until then, I have to practice, so Al is letting me do the Con Report section. Everyone has photographs online, so I am going to concentrate on the really good panels at each con - they are what make the convention more than just a giant store with a viewing room or two (or four.) Away we go!


Ryo Mizuno on Lodoss War
Panel One

Ryo Mizuno had a lot to say about Lodoss War. He is merely its novelist, so all of the art concepts were given to him by other people. When the first OAV series was being made, he was so impressed by the quality of the artists that he allowed them to draw people as they saw fit. His favorite Lodoss picture ever is, in fact, the picture of Deedlit on the Record of Lodoss War promotional poster. To make the novels more palatable to the television audience, characters were added - Pirotess, the dark elf, for example, was added as a foil for Deedlit.

Ryo Mizuno got many of his ideas from Tolkien and Dungeons and Dragons, a genre not seen often in Japan until recently, and he is considered to be one of the 'fathers' of that style in Japan today.

He is still writing Lodoss novels, and is very pleased with the artwork done in the 'Lady of Pharis' manga (available in your bookstores!) His favorite character is Little Neese - he always envisioned his daughter as being quite like her. (His, daughter is, in fact, much different. He loves her anyway. ^_^)

"Lodoss War is about the love between Deedlit and Parn - how he can love her his whole life, and how she could care for that love, and memory, during her many years on this world."

Continue on to Saito, Ikuhara, and Utena! >>


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